Saturday, February 20, 2010

Excitement and Frustration

I'm blogging from my PS3 today, so I don't know if I'll be able to get this to work right.

So, big news! I found the half brothers of my three kids on facebook. My ex husband had two sons from a previous marriage before I met him. I never got to meet these boys, and neither have my kids. I started searching for them when I left my ex, but their mother wouldn't respond to any of my attempts. I don't know if it's because she never got my letters or if there were other reasons. For all I know, she told her sons that their father was dead, so of course it would be hard to explain to them how they ended up with half-siblings.

Anyway, I recently started up the search again. I knew their first names and their mother's maiden name. Turns out that facebook is a handy little search tool when you're looking for people. There they were in my hometown and just a message away. I wrote "Drew" yesterday and can barely contain my excitement while waiting for a response.

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