Thursday, January 10, 2008

Where's The Catch?

I've decided to ignore the phone thing. I mentioned something to the new guy and he denied responsibility and I really can't prove anything. Not to mention, my phone is acting a little weird. It just seems a strange.

Basically, I've decided to put him on probation. Overall, he's been wonderful, if a bit hurried. This is the one thing negative I've seen so far, and I'm not even 100% certain he's behind it. I just wish I knew for certain. It would definitely make things easier to understand.

I don't know, maybe I'm just jumping at shadows here. I'm so used to drama from the men I date that it freaks me out when a guy seems to be legit. And that's really what has me spooked here. Other than the hurry he seems to be in, it's a great relationship for me. He does those little things that blow my mind, he's great with my kids, he seems to be tolerant of my imperfections. He seems like the perfect guy. And I don't want to be cynical and jaded and miss out on something because of it, but I can't help but ask, "Where's the catch?"

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