Thursday, July 12, 2007

Blog Surfing

You never know what you’ll get when you hit that “next blog” link, do you?

I got the brilliant idea to browse through some blogs to see what was out there, me being so curious and all. I learned a valuable lesson when I did. I learned that I really don’t want to know what’s out there. Out of the twenty or so blogs that I came across, I could only read three of them. Out of the three I could read, only one of them had intelligent content.

I don’t have much to say about the ones I couldn’t read. It’s not their fault that English and bad English are my only languages, therefore I have no strong opinions about them. I was wondering if they would be upset if I posted a response in English. Probably not.

It was the three that I could read that had me so disappointed. The first one I came across was beyond vulgar. They obviously missed the part about not having pornographic content on their blog. A British woman, guessing by the slang, authored the blog. She had one post with pictures of deformed anatomy. Another post of hers had her sex toys and panties up for trade. Her written parts were equally as obscene and filled with profanity.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that there’s anything wrong with her particular tastes. I really can’t say that I have room for criticism. After all, I had three kids before I was married, so I wouldn’t win the “Good Christian” award in the mating habits and rituals category. I’m simply asking why she advertised this about herself. Why? Why make it public when you can still write what you think without making it known to your fellow man? What could her purpose possibly be? I mean, I guess it was entertaining in a “mangled limbs at a train wreck” kinda way. Still, I wonder if she realized the message she’s sending to her audience?

The second readable one was much better, though much duller. This gentleman was using his blog to preach the benefits of positive thinking. I was positively bored. Apparently, he was too. There was only two posts and they spanned a year and a half time period.

The third blog probably shouldn’t have fallen into the readable category. I can read bad English, but this was beyond bad. Maybe if the teenage girl writing the blog would spell out her words so I could know what was abbreviation and what was just a misspelled word, it might have been different. Again, if your intended audience is persons who understand you just fine, hide your blog and invite those who understand you.

So, maybe I’ll skip checking out other blogs. Something tells me that I’m not going to find much of what I’m looking for.

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