Sunday, September 16, 2007

A Cut Above The Rest

The thing I love and hate most about my life is that I never know what the day will bring. My life doesn't follow any sort of structure, even though I crave it. What I want most out of life is stability, to know, day to day, what to expect. At the same time, I never get bored. I always have the possibility of adventure every day I wake up.

I suppose that's one of the reasons I love Sexy so much. My relationship with him fits in with the rest of my life so well. Each day with him is an adventure. It's both wonderful and frustrating. While I crave stability with him, I also love the fact that any time, any place, we can find ourselve pushing the boundaries and each other's buttons.

Lord, that man gets me fired up! He's my fantasies in flesh. And no, this is not a purely sexual comment. I want more from a guy than a good toss. Eventually, the passion fizzles if there's nothing to back it up. But I'm not worried about it with him. He's got everything I'm looking for, and a few things I didn't know to look for. And his smile. Good Heaven, his smile! I'm not superficial, but that doesn't mean I don't appreciate his good looks too.

I could make a list a mile long about all the qualities in Sexy that draw me to the man. In fact, I actually made that list already, before I even met him. A friend of mine from Kansas once told me that if I was going to find the man I really wanted, I'd first have to know what kind of man I wanted. She suggested I make a list of all the qualities I wanted in a significant other and post it in a place I'd see every day. She said once I knew what I was looking for, I'd find it.

Well, I made my list, but I tucked it away in a drawer when I was done. I didn't take it out again until several years later, long after Sexy and I started seeing each other. And you know what? He had every quality I listed. Go figure. I didn't even have to look at my list every day. Once I had really though about what I was looking for, it stuck in the back of my head. It's probably one of the reasons I was never really content with my ex-husband. He didn't have what it took to make my list. He lacked most of the important qualities I needed.

I don't have my list anymore. I gave it to Sexy at one point, just to show him that I had been looking for him for a long time. I don't know what he did with it after that. I really don't need it in any case. I found what I was looking for. I found the man that touches me on every level. I found the man that inspires my creativity and my passion. I found the one who has strength where I am weak, who compliments me in every way that matters. I am so, so lucky.

I imagaine that he will continue to drive me up the wall on occasion. I'm also sure I'll do the same for him. I would bet on the fact that we haven't seen the last of our troubles. I'd also bet that we'll be able to fire each other up until our dying breaths. I'm not much of a gambling person and I've always felt like the odds of finding my "soul mate" were pretty slim, but I can't deny the fact that it's happened. I feel complete when I'm laying there beside him.

Yeah, I may not know everything that my day will bring, but that's okay. As long as it brings me another moment with Sexy, I'll be happy. Even if he's driving me crazy and refusing to see sense, I'll be happy. Because whatever we do, I know we'll do it with great passion. Lord, I love that man!


Ashlee said...

My coaster has been pretty close to yours lately! My ex drove all the way from NC to see me on his vacation... and now I can't get him out of my head. Not to mention the fact that he went back home and is on a date with someone else as we speak. GRRR LIFE!

Unknown said...

Yeah, seems like a lot of people are feelin' me lately. Must be the change of seasons or something. I've been thinking of taking a 6 week hiatus from the man just to get life mellowed out a little. Of course, that will never happen. I race at the wiggle of his finger.