Saturday, August 18, 2007


I've finally managed to catch a few moments to myself. This is a bigger challenge than one could possibly know. I finished my test in my online class, I still have some work to do in my Economics class, and I have a disaster of a house to clean yet, but I decided a few moments of "my time" could be beneficial. It's been a crazy couple of days, after all.

I'm pleased to report that the chitlins have had their procedures done. The battle with my ex over this was more complicated, yet strangely easier, than I expected. I did return the kids to him late Wednesday night, but he sent them back Thursday night so that I could (finally) get this done. The whole thing went very well and the boys were back to their ornery selves that very day. Of course, the ex didn't even bother to call and check to see if they did okay. They could have had a bad reaction to the anesthesia and died and he wouldn't even know the difference. Jerk.

Other than the daily grind, nothing much has been going on. I'm still working on my new abode, though a bit slower than when I started. I'm hoping that by the middle of next week, I'll have the necessary tools and equipment to pick up the pace. I'm so ready to get back into it. I hate the feeling of being stagnant. I'm ready for some direction. Well, other than the circles I've been moving in.

Seems like a lot of my life moves in circles. Dating, school, work around the house, it's all moving forward and yet nowhere. I suppose that the blame for this can be cast solely at my feet. I could have picked a different route to take. Still, it would be nice to have an easy moment of forward movement on the route I'm on from time to time. I do like my life the way it is, for the most part. I wouldn't want to be anywhere other than where I'm at. I like being a mother , a student, and yes, even a girlfriend to the impossibly stubborn Sexy. The only thing that would make life nicer would be if my ex would grow some grey matter and a little humanity, responsibility, and compassion with it, and if I could instantaneously acquire my degrees and a permanent home in which to raise three perfectly balanced babies and dawdle with my numerous hobbies. Don't ask for much, do I?

Here's a question: How come no one else seems to be continuing on with their journals? Am I the only one who is still writing? I think I'm the only one who is required to take Comp II who hasn't signed up for it this session, so I think it's odd that I'm the only one who appears to be writing still. I wonder if anyone even checks on the journals anymore. Maybe I'm just talking to myself. Oh well, it's not like it's the first time, or will be the last. I would like to see more from others though. It would be nice to see how everyone is doing.

Well, "me time" is about done. I do have all that work to finish (sigh). Perhaps I'll write again later tonight when I've got the biggest portion of it taken care of. Hey, if you're going to ramble aimlessly to yourself, you might as well go for the gold, right?

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