Saturday, August 25, 2007

Reformed Addict

I'm giving up my Mt. Dew habit. Not because I had wanted to and was looking out for my figure or anything. I just ran out and got too sidetracked to pick up any more. It's been two or three days without now. Well, I had one on Wednesday evening, but none since then. It was much harder than I thought it would be. I'm still not even sure if I will continue with this since it was accidental, but I like the idea of telling people that I'm a reformed Dew drinker. I can be the President of the DDA (Dew Drinkers Anonymous).

Of course, this is only one of my many bad habits. I'll probably just substitute it with another bad habit. Maybe I'll start biting my nails or something. Maybe I'll learn to whistle through my nose so I can annoy people in the waiting room of the doctor's office. I'm worried now that I'll either balloon up or waste away as it was the major part of my calorie intake each day. Either my body will go into shock and hang on to every calorie I do send it, or I'll disolve in the next rainfall. I guess I'll have to wait and see.

Did you know that rootbeer causes little to no tooth decay? My dentist told me that. Just thought I'd share since I was on the subject of pop. It's weird how people have all sorts of senseless knowledge in their heads. I would say that I'm switching to rootbeer, but I really don't like it. I don't like ice cream much either, but I love rootbeer floats. Does that make any sense?

Okay, this was totally random, but I had to unload. I've been having one of those "God in a frilly apron" days. You know, the kind of day in which all of that ridiculous bull hockey circulates inside my brain with no means relief. Maybe it's the lack of Mt. Dew talking.

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